How to give Admin Access to Facebook

October 27, 2017

Here is how to give admin access to your Facebook Page, Ad Account, Pixel and Business Manager.

If you want to grant access to an ad agency or social media manager, follow these simple instructions.

Step 1 – Create a Business Manager account

Create your account at

Pretty simple, right?

Step 2 – Add assets to your Business Manager

The next step is to add your assets (e.g. Page, Ad Account, etc.) to your Business Manager. 

To delegate managment of your Facebook advertising, you’ll need to add your Facebook Page, Ad Account and Pixel to your Business Manager. If you have an eCommerce store, you should also create and add a Catalog

Step 3 – Grant Access

In this step you will now be able to give your ad agency access to your page and other assets. We do this by assigning a ‘Partner’.

Step 4 – Add Instagram!

IF you want to be able to advertise on Instagram, this tutorial will show you how to add IG to your Business Manager.
