Senior Marketing Consultant

With over a decade of experience in the marketing industry, I am a seasoned marketing consultant specializing in crafting and executing data-driven strategies that drive growth and enhance brand visibility. My expertise spans a broad spectrum of marketing disciplines, including digital marketing, content strategy, brand development, and market research.
3 Reasons to Hire an Internet Marketing Firm for Your Local Business

Digital Sales Funnel Basics

Do not make this catastrophic mistake... Don't make the catastrophic mistake of imagining that the online sales funnel consists only of a single step. A single step would look like this... the prospect lands on your site, then they sign-up, buy or otherwise...

3 Reasons to Hire an Internet Marketing Firm for Your Local Business

What is a Sales Funnel?

Here's the best definition of a sales funnel you'll likely ever hear... Some novice marketers mistakenly think that building a sales funnel is a distinct method or type of marketing. I've heard people refer to this as 'funnel marketing'...